Nov. 28, 2023

Huckleberry Finn | Chapter 11 - Huck's High-Stakes Masquerade: The Island Escape!

Huckleberry Finn | Chapter 11 - Huck's High-Stakes Masquerade: The Island Escape!

Jen and Dan read Chapter 11 of 'The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn.' In this episode, Huck Finn, disguised as a girl, gathers crucial information about the search for him and the runaway Jim. Learning that the townspeople suspect Jim of his "murder" and are planning to search Jackson's Island, Huck's quick thinking leads to a hasty decision. Huck and Jim, realizing the danger they are in, frantically prepare their raft under the cover of night, embarking on a perilous escape down the Mississippi River.

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Banned Camp brings you engaging discussions and readings of banned books, all within the bounds of fair use guidelines. Our exploration of "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn" by Mark Twain aims to ignite critical thinking and inspire conversations about literature, censorship, and societal themes. The original work, "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn," remains under the copyright holder's ownership. We encourage supporting the original author by obtaining copies of their works.

Please note that our podcast is not officially connected with Mark Twain, his estate, or the publishers of "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn." Any monetization related to the podcast is separate from the copyrighted content discussed. We aim to foster educational dialogue and appreciation of these works, operating within the fair use framework.