Episode Summary: In this kickoff to Season 5, Jennifer, Dan and Robot dive headfirst into the stormy world of "A Wrinkle in Time" by Madeleine L'Engle. The chapter sets the stage with Meg Murray, a young girl grappling with self-doubt, a mysterious tramp, and the unsettling arrival of Mrs. Whatsit during a tempestuous night. As always, our hosts peel back the layers of the narrative, spotlighting Meg's struggles and the peculiar encounter with Mrs. Whatsit. The question looms: What secrets does this visitor hold, and how does this relate to the infamous Tesseract? Dan and Jennifer's exploration is as insightful as it is amusing, leaving listeners eager for more.
Hey, Scary Book People (that's what we call our AWESOME listeners)! Ever felt like you were on the brink of discovering something world-changing? Meg Murray’s life takes an unexpected turn with a late-night visit from Mrs. Whatsit. What do you think about the mysterious tesseract mention? Ever encountered a moment in life that felt like a 'wrinkle in time'? Share your thoughts and experiences with us on Instagram @bannedcamp_podcast. Let's unravel the mysteries of time together!
Communicate With Us: Got thoughts, theories, or just want to share your favorite moment from this episode? We're all ears! Follow and DM us on Instagram @bannedcamp_podcast or shoot us an email at pod@bannedcamppodcast.com. Let's get chatting!
Disclaimer: Banned Camp brings you engaging discussions and readings of banned books, all within the bounds of fair use guidelines. Our exploration of 'A Wrinkle in Time' by Madeleine L'Engle aims to ignite critical thinking and inspire conversations about literature, censorship, and societal themes. The original work, 'A Wrinkle in Time', remains under the copyright holder's ownership, which, as of our latest information, is Farrar, Straus, and Giroux (FSG), a division of Macmillan Publishers. We encourage supporting the original author by obtaining copies of their works through legitimate channels. Please note that our podcast is not officially connected with Madeleine L'Engle, her estate, Farrar, Straus and Giroux, Macmillan Publishers, or any entities associated with the publication of 'A Wrinkle in Time.' Any monetization related to the podcast is separate from the copyrighted content discussed. We aim to foster educational dialogue and appreciation of these works, operating within the fair use framework.